Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Stag Night

Last night was a party to welcome a new intern. Suddenly it was 2am, and just me with 7 boys - 5 Poles, 1 Englishman, and 1 Tunisian. I think maybe I stuck around as a sociological experiment.

It's nice to see that jokes about masturbation and pornography are international.

Also, imagine a tall, pale Englishman telling me (in his funny little accent) that he used to be in the army and then explaining to me that there's a place on a man's neck where, with enough force, you can push your hand right through his skin and pull out his windpipe. Who would this remind you of? Ten points for the right answer.


Boaz Munro said...

Gareth Keenan, duh.

Amanda said...

I knew you would be the one to get it!

I told my English friend this and he was seriously offended.

Boaz Munro said...

He shouldn't be.